Add Pedigree animal flow streamlined, new lookup parameters added

We are excited to have released a highly requested enhancement to the Add Pedigree Animal function. These updates greatly speed up the process of adding animals that are already in the herd’s data to animal pedigrees.

The first step of adding an animal to a pedigree now provides a lookup via a type-ahead search. As you start typing in the animal’s Full Name, Barn/Nickname, Registration id, or any of its identification numbers including tattoos, id tags, RFID or Scrapie program ids, matches from the herd’s data will display for selection. Selecting the animal adds it and any of its ancestors directly to the pedigree.

See it in action:

Other updates in this release include:

  • Updated the user interface for adding, removing and editing pedigree animals. By calling these actions from icons and links from within the pedigree view these updates make the interface more intuitive and reduce the number of clicks required to perform the action.
  • Bug fix: Resolved an issue with pedigree animals not displaying in the Add Animal form after they had been added to the pedigree.

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